

  • Create a movement study that includes all three of the following images (or create your own). Sequence them in any way you would like. Avoid the literal, explore various ways of moving with the prompt.
    • You are trying with great difficulty to push a heavy object across the floor. (Slow and Strong)
    • You are trying to flick off spiders that are crawling all over you. (Fast and midrange)
    • You are a dust particle on top of a boiling pot of water. (Fast and light)


Noah- Dynamics

I really enjoyed making this piece. I tried to channel my inner “Joel” for the first part and then had fun playing around with the rest of it. I like the physicality of the movements.


I really liked the over arching composition of this piece and the small bits of repetition. I enjoyed playing with the different qualities of movement.

Zoë: Dynamics

I started with slow and strong, then I went fast and midrange into fast and light and then back to slow and strong again at the end. I think this was my first time really integrating flamenco steps into one of my choreography studies. The process made me happy and gave me a lot of ideas, but the result felt slightly awkward and rushed, so in future, I’m going to be working on more seamlessly combining old and new movement ideas.

Naiya/ Dynamics


In this choreography study I wanted to redefine the movements and reinvent ways to be interpreted, rather than being redundant in the actions and prompt. I felt awkward the whole time, but when I am choreographing a different piece where the focus is not on dynamics, that’s one of the main things I focus on.


Solid as a rock, flick off a spider, light as dust. Strong as an ox, sharp as a knife, skittering over boiling water. Strained, released, restless.


Obuchi: Dynamics

In this study, I focused on abstracting the ideas presented in the prompt rather than pantomiming them. See if you can distinguish where I switch from fast and midrange to fast and light.

Joel: Dynamics

I particularly struggled to find the difference between the spider swatting and dust particle on a boiling pot while I was choreographing this. That’s why I enjoyed Celeste’s suggestion to exaggerate the difference even more which challenged me to push the limits of my style further.


I really enjoyed this study. I found it fun to try and move a boulder in the style of Joel. I liked the spider idea as well because it contrasted nicely with the slow movement of moving the force. The idea of the dust particle was the most challenging but I felt it worked best as a whole body movement.



CHARLOTTE: Two attempts with exagerated dynamic quality!

Mira: Dynamics